We tailor PR and publicity to fit our client’s exact needs and offer a free consultation to discuss how we can help.
For 35 years we have used our local, national, and international media relationships to position our clients ahead of the competition.
We help our clients to raise their profile in their target markets and to forge new relationships.
Image Building:
We have been fortunate to work with major personalities throughout our career. Our strategies are designed to increase media exposure, strengthen brands, and grow business.
Client Appearances:
We book client appearances in front of major industry groups and provide media training where needed.
We work with all aspects of press relations including releases, biographies, brochures, speeches, corporate films, and merchandising.
Leveraging Technology:
We focus on creative and highly effective approaches to leveraging technology including all aspects of social media to attract, retain, and interact with our valued clients.

– Auto Club Speedway – Fontana, CA

– Oxnard, CA

– Oslo, Norway